Watch "اعترافات ثلاثي داعشي في لبنان - نانسي السبع"
القاضي الزعني يوقف عقيد ونقيب لتورطهم ببيع المخدرات
Dany Zeeny was born in 1969 to a middle-class family in Achrafieh district, Lebanon near the seaport, a neighborhood of central Beirut that suffered extensive destruction by shelling attacks during the Syrian invasion of Beirut in 1976-78.
His father, Mounir Zeeny a contractor and owner of a building company who motivated the housing cooperation building society in the city, was married to Josephine Saad. Dany have one brother, Rony a Ph.D. clinical pharmacist and a university professor. Zeeny's parents emphasized the importance of hard work, bravery, discipline and patriotism; his grandfather was a judge of amiable conflicts in north Lebanon in the 40s. At school Dany would get into fights with larger children if he thought his friends were being harassed or treated inequitably.
Organized crime was present in the area but quiescent; as a boy Dany was infatuated by motorcycles and Gangs, but only to understand their world and patterns. Most of his classmates ended up as militia members or left the country for a better future. He grew up at a time when Beirutians did not acknowledge the existence of the Government as an authority and entity defending rights, due to the civil war, were militias took control of life as coherent organized group in the Christian area of Beirut city.
After a classical education at St. Joseph school (la Sagesse), Dany studied law at the University of St. Esprit a Lebanese Christian Maronite order’s educational institution, following a brief period to study the Christian theology and Islamic legislation. He drifted away from his parents' middle-class conservative Catholicism- Maronite methods towards a more open and liberal Christian believes. He became religious but not conservative; in his youth he had been a supporter of the Christian civil defense front, a right-wing student organization affiliated with the Lebanese Christian phalanges’ party. However, he never joined any political party, or shared the ideologies of any political movements; he was always interested in opposing organized crime. Zeeny wanted a security forces career, after receiving his double national and General Law diplomas in 1991, so he was listed in the Special Forces (the panthers) of the internal security forces in 1992-93, and underwent a specialized anti-crime military raid and attack training for 3 months, but his family especially his father thought him too independent-minded for the armed forces, and insisted on sending him to the judicial institute.
In 1993, Zeeny left the Special Forces and began to practice law, and since he was oriented to the fight against crime, and according to his inner believes to belong to a credible, reliable and integer corps he was appointed a judge in 1996, to graduate from the national judicial institute after studying for 3 years and writing 4 “memoires” about the art of international investigations and penal procedures. He eventually gravitated toward penal law after serving as a consultant in bankruptcy courts till 2003 and as a district magistrate for 4 years and investigation one for 2 years. He was assigned to the military tribunal as a consultant in 2008 and to the military prosecution office in Beirut since 2009.
His work as a deputy military prosecutor and as deputy commissioner of the government to the military courts dealt with monitoring, investigating all kind of “terrorist cases” all over the Lebanese soil and foreign territories, possession and trade of explosives, mass killings and arm deals in the phase of the preliminary investigation in fields of terrorism and counterterrorism; counter intelligence and espionage; comparative security, risk analysis; weapons of mass destruction; technology and security.
Judge Zeeny was in charge of conducting the preliminary investigations of the attacks on the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon and particularly the Italian and French Battalions, starting from investigating the scene of the explosions to interviewing suspects and preparing, managing the strategy of the investigation as a Liaison Judicial officer between the UNIFIL and the prosecution military corp. He managed the investigation’s strategy of Lebanese central prison “Roumieh prison” file since 2011 and uncovered the existence of the terrorist group al Nousra front inside the prison facility and dismantled their effective activities, and solved a murder case of a Palestinian alleged to commit suicide. Judge Zeeny is serving now as a investigation judge for north Lebanon governorate till the present time.
Zeeny family belongs to the descended family of Prince of Normandy Bohemond the first, prince of Trento (Italy), who was the brother-in-law of Philip the first, king of France; He was one of the commanders of the Crusades' first campaigns, who conquered Antioch (Antakya) at the end of June 1098, consequently nominated the prince on Antioch, then of tripoli by the end of the year 1109. This region was ruled after a while by princes from his family under the name of princes of Antioch and Contes of Tripoli.
After Bohemond the sixth passed away in 1287, Sultan Kalawun attacked Tripoli and conquered it in 1289. An agreement was set between the Sultan and the ruling family to rule Tripoly by Bohemond the seventh, while he was still a minor. His mother managed the state’s affairs under the supervision of Archbishop of Tartus. After quite a while state matters turn bad and the mother took the minor prince and escaped to a village called Zeenya in Syria “ألزعينية- جسر الشغور” where he lived concealed, after they had granted their palace in “Al Balamand” area in north Lebanon to French monks.
After quite some peaceful time, the prince's son returned back to Tula in Batrun district, north Lebanon where they called him by the Alias Zeeny (referring to Zeenya the village) so he became famous by this surname, that was commutated; after the clashes between Christians and Muslims; to Abou Jaoude family (since Zeeny family was the origin of many other families in Mount Lebanon and Beirut) In past times, from the family Zeeny was known Daher Beik Al Zeeny the doctor of the Ottoman Sultan, and in our days Edmond Al Zeeny world wrestling champion, Dr. Raji Al Zeeny and Judge Dany Zeeny from The village of Tula in Batroun, Lebanon; and also descended from Zeeny family is “Elias family” in Latakia.
Zeeny family is spelled in many ways across the middleeast and Europe, United States and Mexico as: Zeeny, Zeenny, Zeeni, Zeenni, Zinni, Zini, Zihenni, al Zeeny, el Zeeny and zainy… And from prince Bohemond’s families, before and after conquering Tripoli, the families Prince, Conte, Menhem, Al Ghalbuni, and Lattouf also emerged, and known for belonging to that origin. Patriarch Semaan Al Hadchity accepted them to the Maronite league at that time
Tense relationships grew between Al Chaer family in Tula (Batrun), and Najem Khairallah Al Zeeny and his sons and few of his cousins, for unspecified reasons, whether politics, taxes, or women relationships… It all happened in times when Christians were moving from north towards the middle of Lebanon, to live in the land where Al Mamalik had displaced its inhabitants since 1307. Then the grandsons of those displaced Christians came back from the north around the year 1600, and before them came the Druze from the south, after the Ottoman Sultan had defeated Kanso Al Guri, Sultan Al Mamalik in Marj Dabeq next to Aleppo in 1516, and conquering Syria and Egypt.
Christians got along amiably with the Druze sect, fellows in arms who fought Al Mamalik next to each other since 1307, especially their lieutenants from Fawares Al Lamaiyin, Mezher, and Sawaf families, and others who received the Christians and gave those lands, on which they build their temples. The region flourished with inhabitants, and villages and farms were established. That made it easier for Najem Al Zeeny family and their relatives to migrate from an “unjust” district in the north of Mount Lebanon a place where they can find tranquility and peace, since life was full of hatred, when AL Hamadies and Al Chaer burned Tula along with other few villages in 1676.
Around August 1676 Najem Al Zeeny migrated from Tula to Mount Lebanon- Jabal Loubane, with his sons: Khairallah, Chahine, Gerges, and few of his cousins. Some resided in Kessrouan district: Saad’s family grandfather Saad in Darun, another in Haret Sakher village in Jounieh, where the Governor handed him the accounting department, so he was then called Mouhaseb (which means Accoutant). He was the grand father of Mouhaseb family, and some kept the name Al Zeeny in Ghazir.
One of Chebel El Zeeny’s sons named Salibi, lived first in Zabougha and had children there, and his branch was called Haybeh family. In 1850, Sassine, one of his family members and also Father Rouphael, who migrated to Zahle and had children there too, where they were known as Rouphael family. In 1853 Tannous Karam Nasr, migrated there too and had children. His family was called Karam Al Zeeny. Younes Hanna, grandfather of Hajj Boutros family, lived in Bikfaya, Sakyat Al Misk. From this family descended Father Philip Hajj Boutros, who migrated to a place next to Al Hawz in 1730, where his family is still living there, and Abou Diwan lived in Al Ayun.
ولد القاضي داني الزعني في العام ١٩٦٩ من عائلة مقتدرة إجتماعياً، في منطقة الأشرفية في شرق بيروت؛ منطقة عانت مأسي القصف السوري والاجتياح الاسرائيلي منذ العام ١٩٧٨ حتى ١٩٨٢. والدهُ منير. س الزعني متعهد بناء وصاحب مؤسسة إعمارية، حفّز عمل الجمعيات التعاونية الإسكانية في المدينة حيثُ أصبحَ رائداً في مجال الإعمار التعاوني. متزوج من السيّدة جوزفين سعد ولهُ ولدان، دانيالبكر و روني الذي حصَّل شهادة دكتوراه في علم الصيدلة وأصبح أستاذ جامعي متخصص بدراسة وتعليم الصيدلة السريرية. وجّه والدا الزعني أولادهما على أهمية العمل الشاق والجدي وعلى الشجاعة، الانضباط والوطنيّة لاسيما وانه، كان لوالده إرتباط بالجبهة اللبنانية والرهبنة المارونية وعلاقة ممتازة بالسياسي داني شمعون لدرجة تسمية ابنه البكر على اسمه واعتناء هذا الأخير بهِ كأحد أولاده
جدّه سعيد كان حاكماً للصلح في النزاعات العقارية في الشمال منذ بداية الأربعينات. في المدرسة كان داني يتعارك مع اولاد يفوقونه سناً وحجماً اذا ما تبين له تعرّض أصدقائه، لمضايقات او لمعاملة سيئة. الجريمة المنظمة كانت حاضرة في محيطه إنما بهدوء. منذ صغره كان يولي انتباها الى التجمعات المشبوهة والحزبيّة من حوله، إنما فقط لفهم عالمها وأنماطها. معظم رفاقه في الدراسة انتهى بهم الامر الى الانخراط بالأحزاب أو المليشيات، امّ غادروا البلد لمستقبلٍ أفضل. فترعرع في وقت لم يكن يؤمن فيه البيروتيون بسلطان الدولة ومؤسساتها، بسبب الحروب الأهليّة المتوالية التي مُنيَ بها لبنان، مما حفزّ داني الشاب فيما بعد الى مفاضلة الدّولة والنظام على المليشيا والفوضى
بعد دراسةٍ تقليدية في مدرسة #مار_يوسف_الحكمة في بيروت، درس داني الحقوق في #جامعة_الروح_القدس في الكسليك، وهي مؤسسة أكاديمية تابعة للرهبنة المارونية اللبنانية. مما دفعه لاحقاً لمتابعة دروس في اللاهوت المسيحي والتشريع الاسلامي. ابتعد داني التلميذ الجامعي عن معتقدات عائلته المسيحية المحافظة، ليعتنق ممارسةً دينيّة اكثر انفتاحاً وأكثر تحررا. مما ساعده على عدم الانجرار وراء المليشيات المسيحية آنذاك
لقد أراد #الزعني مهنة أمنيّة في بداياته، فبعد ان استحصلَ على دبلومٍ مزدوج في العلوم القانونية الوطنية وفي الحقوق العامة في العام ١٩٩١، التحق بدورة تلميذ ضابط لصالح قوى الامن الداخلي في القوات الخاصة حيث تابع حتى العام ١٩٩٢ تدريبات معمقة، في كيفية مراقبة وملاحقة وتوقيف الاشرار والعصابات الخطيرة، الا ان تأثير والده في كيفية الاستقلال في التفكير والاداء، جعله يَنعطف الى معهد الدروس القضائية، بدلا من اكمال إختصاصه في العلوم العسكرية. فتابع بعدها بنجاح دراساته العليا في معهد الدروس القضائية، ونال فيها شهادةً تخوله العمل القضائي الوطني. وكون ان الزعني كان موجها نحو مكافحة الجريمة منذ صغره؛ برع كقاضٍ جزائي من بداية رحلته في السلك القضائي. فبالإضافة الى الدراسات القانونية العديدة التي أنجزها منذ العام ١٩٩٦ والمنشور بعضاً منها في مجلّة العدل اللبنانيّة، تمّ تعيّنه كعضو في محكمة افلاس لبنان الشمالي، ومستشار في محكمة الاستئناف المدنية وقاضياً للتحقيق في جبل لبنان، و رئيس المحكمة الجزائية في قضاء المتن الشمالي وانتدبَ كمفوض للحكومة المعاون لدى المحكمة العسكرية منذ العام ٢٠٠٩ في إطار عمل مكتب #النيابة_العامة_العسكرية لمكافحة #الاٍرهاب و #الجريمة_المنظمة و #التجسس؛ تمّ تعينه مؤخراً قاضياً للتحقيق في لبنان الشمالي
متأهل وله ولدان
شارك حتى الان في دوراتٍ ومؤتمرات عدة خارج لبنان كخبير في مكافحة الاٍرهاب والجريمة المنظمة، وتابع تدريبات ودورات تطبيقية مع #مكتب_التحقيق_الفدرالي في الولايات المتّحدة ودول أوروبيّة